Module: isatdatapro-api


IsatData Pro API V1



Enumerated type for State of Mobile-Terminated message

Name Type Default Description
SUBMITTED number 0
RECEIVED number 1
ERROR number 2
TIMED_OUT number 4
CANCELLED number 5


Enumerated type for TerminalWakeupPeriod

Name Type Default Description
None number 0
Seconds30 number 1
Seconds60 number 2
Minutes3 number 3
Minutes10 number 4
Minutes30 number 5
Minutes60 number 6
Minutes2 number 7
Minutes5 number 8
Minutes15 number 9


async,innercancelForwardMessages(auth, ids){Promise.<CancelForwardMessagesResult>}

/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 880

Requests cancellation of specific Mobile-Terminated message(s)

Name Type Description
auth ApiV1Auth

Mailbox authenticataion

ids number | Array.<number>

Message id(s) to be cancelled

Type Description
Promise.<CancelForwardMessagesResult> see CancelForwardMessagesResult


/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 183

Returns an IDP message gateway formatted timestamp, defaults to 1970-01-01 00:00:00

Name Type Description
date Object

A Javascript Date object

Type Description
string An IDP message gateway formatted timestamp 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'


/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 987

Returns the list of Broadcast IDs associated with the Mailbox

Name Type Description
auth ApiV1Auth

Mailbox authentication

Type Description
Promise.<BroadcastIdList> See BroadcastIdList


/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 399

Returns an array of error definitions based on an API error code

Type Description
Promise.<Array.<ErrorDefinition>> See ErrorDefinition


/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 424

Returns a descriptive error name based on an API error code

Name Type Description
errorId string | number

The ErrorID number returned by the API operation

Type Description
Promise.<string> An error name/description or 'UNDEFINED'

async,innergetForwardMessages(auth, ids){Promise.<GetForwardMessagesResult>}

/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 723

Retrieves Mobile-Terminated messages submitted, by ID(s)

Name Type Description
auth ApiV1Auth

Mailbox authentication see ApiV1Auth

ids number | Array.<number>

An array of unique ForwardMessageID numbers

Type Description
Promise.<GetForwardMessagesResult> The requested IDs and/or error code see GetForwardMessagesResult

async,innergetForwardStatuses(auth, filter){Promise.<GetForwardStatusesResult>}

/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 809

Retrieves Mobile-Terminated message state/status by ID(s) and optional time range NOTE: API should support ids as optional if startTimeUtc is specified

Name Type Description
auth ApiV1Auth

Mailbox authentication see ApiV1Auth

filter ForwardStatusFilter

A set of filter criteria for the query see ForwardStatusFilter


If filter does not include ids or startTimeUtc

Type Description
Promise.<GetForwardStatusesResult> see GetForwardStatusesResult


/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 248

Returns current UTC time at the MGS

Type Description
Promise.<Date> UTC time at the message gateway


/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 118

Returns the Message Gateway System software version details

Type Description
Promise.<string> IDP Message Gateway System software version

async,innergetMobileIds(auth, filter){Promise.<MobileIdList>}

/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 931

Returns a list of MobileID metadata

Name Type Description
auth ApiV1Auth

Mailbox authentication

filter Object optional

Filters for ID (next ID for sequential query) and size

Name Type Description
mobileId string optional

Set the only/first Mobile ID to query, if present

pageSize number optional

Maximum number of results to return (1..1000) defaults to 1000

Type Description
Promise.<MobileIdList> A response list with error code see MobileIdList

async,innergetReturnMessages(auth, filter){Promise.<GetReturnMessagesResponse>}

/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 513

Returns a response object containing retrieved messages that match the filter

Name Type Description
auth ApiV1Auth

Mailbox authentication parameters see ApiV1Auth

filter FilterGetMobileOrigintated

See FilterGetMobileOrigintated

Type Description
Promise.<GetReturnMessagesResponse> See GetReturnMessagesResponse


/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 768

Returns the enumerated string of the state value

Name Type Description
state number

The state value returned in ForwardStatus

Type Description
string see ForwardMessageStates


/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 595

Returns the enumerated string of the WakeupPeriod

Name Type Description
period number

The TerminalWakeupPeriod

Type Description
string see WakeupPeriods


/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 235

Returns a Javascript Date object by converting an IDP message gateway formatted timestamp

Name Type Description
idpTimeUtc string

An IDP message gateway formatted timestamp 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'


If the passed in value is not a valid IDP datestamp

Type Description
Date Javascript Date object

async,innersubmitForwardMessages(auth, messages){Promise.<SubmitForwardMessagesResult>}

/home/gbp/projects/isatdatapro-api/lib/api-v1.js, line 639

Submits Mobile-Terminated message(s) to remote modem(s)

Name Type Description
auth ApiV1Auth

Mailbox authentication see ApiV1Auth

messages Array.<ForwardMessage>

An array of messages see ForwardMessage

Type Description
Promise.<SubmitForwardMessagesResult> An error code and metadata see SubmitForwardMessagesResult

Type Definitions


An authentication pair for the IDP Messaging API V1, used for various operations

Name Type Description
accessId string

The mailbox unique access_id

password string

The mailbox password


Response structure for a BroadcastID query

Name Type Description
errorId number

An error code for the get_mobiles_paged operation

broadcastGroups Array.<BroadcastInformation>

A list of BroadcastInformation objects


Metadata for a BroadcastID

Name Type Description
mobileId string

The unique Broadcast ID

description string

A description as provisioned on the MGS


Response structure for cancellation request of Mobile-Terminated message(s)

Name Type Description
errorId number

An error code for the submit_cancelations operation

submissions Array.<ForwardCancelation>

The list of submitted messages to cancel


Describes an error code returned by the IDP Messaging API

Name Type Description
id number

The unique error number

name string

The unique name

description string

A verbose description of the error


A data structure containing various content and metadata within a message, present if a codec is provisioned on the Mailbox

Name Type Argument Description
name string

A descriptive name of the field, usually in camelCase notation

dataType string <optional>

Supported types
  'enum' is presented as string on decode, may be number or string on encode
  'boolean' is presented as a string Value
  'unsignedint', 'signedint' are presented as a string Value
  'data' is a string, base64 encoded
  'array' is an object with Elements instead of Value
  'message' is an object with Message instead of Value
  'dynamic' TBC
  'property' TBC

stringValue string <optional>

Present if Type is 'enum', 'boolean', 'unsignedint', 'signedint', 'string', 'data'

elements Array.<Object> <optional>

present if Type is 'array'

Name Type Argument Description
index number <optional>

index of the Elements array

fields Array.<Field> <optional>

A list of field objects

message Message <optional>

present if Type is 'message'


A filter to apply when retrieving Mobile-Originated messages

Name Type Argument Default Description
startTimeUtc string | Date <optional>

Start time (high water mark from prior nextStartUtc) ISO format 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ'
  required if startMessageId is not present, ignored if startMessageId is present

startMessageId number <optional>

Start message ID (high water mark from prior NextStartID)
  required if startTimeUtc is not present

endTimeUtc string | Date <optional>

Optional end time if startTimeUtc is used, to return a range of messages rather than all since startTimeUtc

mobileId string <optional>

Optional filter to retrieve only messages for a single terminal/modem

includeRawPayload boolean <optional>

A flag indicating if ReturnMessage.RawPayload should be returned

includeFieldType boolean <optional>

A flag indicating if ReturnMessage.Payload.Fields should include the Type property


Metadata structure for a Mobile-Terminated message submission

Name Type Argument Description
errorId number

An error code returned by the MGS (0 = no errors; 115 = )

messageId number

A unique number generated by the network for tracking status of delivery (-1 if failed)

userMessageId string <optional>

The optional user-supplied message ID to correlate with ForwardMessageID

mobileId string

A unique Mobile ID or Broadcast ID to send the message to (empty string if failed)

size number <optional>

The over-the-air message size, in bytes

stateTimeUtc string

The ISO timestamp YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ of the last reported state of the message

mobileWakeupPeriod number

A [something] indicating if the modem is configured for low power sleep

scheduledSendTimeUtc string

A timestamp YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ for the scheduled message delivery to a low power modem


Data structure for a Mobile-Terminated (aka To-Mobile aka Forward) message

Name Type Argument Description
mobileId string

A unique Mobile ID or Broadcast ID to send the message to

userMessageId string <optional>

An optional ID that may be used by your application to correlate to a system-assigned ForwardMessageID

payloadRaw Array.<number> <optional>

Must be present if Payload is not present, an array of bytes as decimal values (0..255)

payloadJson Message <optional>

Must be present if RawPayload is not present, see Messsage implies that a Message Definition File is used on the Mailbox


Metadata structure for a Mobile-Terminated message that has been submitted to the IDP Message Gateway System

Name Type Description
mobileId string

A unique Mobile ID or Broadcast ID to send the message to

payloadRaw Array.<number>

Must be present if Payload is not present, an array of bytes as decimal values (0..255)

payloadJson Message

Must be present if RawPayload is not present, see Message implies that a Message Definition File is used on the Mailbox

messageId number

A unique number assigned by the MGS upon submission (get_forward_messages only)

mailboxTimeUtc string

A timestamp assigned by the MGS upon submission (get_forward_messages only)

stateTimeUtc string

A timestamp of the most recent State (get_forward_messages only)

state number

The current state of the message (get_forward_messages only)

errorId number

An error code for the record retrieval

isClosed boolean

An indicator if the message is completed/failed (get_forward_messages only)

referenceNumber number

System generated (get_forward_messages only)


Metadata for a submitted Mobile-Terminated message state

Name Type Description
errorId number

An error code for the Mobile-Terminated message

messageId number

The unique ID of the message assigned by the system

isClosed boolean

An indicator whether the message is no longer pending (delivered or failed)

referenceNumber number
stateTimeUtc string

The ISO timestamp YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ or Date of the reported state of the message

state number

The state/status code of the message


A filter for requesting Mobile-Terminated message(s) states

Name Type Argument Description
ids number | Array.<number> <optional>

Unique ForwardMessage.ID(s) to query, must be present if startTimeUtc is not

startTimeUtc string | Date <optional>

The UTC timestamp YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss for the start of retrieval, must be present if ids is not

endTimeUtc string | Date <optional>

The UTC timestamp YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss for the end of retrieval


Metadata structure for a Mobile-Terminated message submission

Name Type Argument Description
errorId number

An error code returned by the MGS (0 = no errors)

messageId number

A unique number generated by the network for tracking status of delivery

userMessageId string <optional>

The optional user-supplied message ID to correlate with ForwardMessageID

mobileId string

A unique Mobile ID or Broadcast ID to send the message to

size number

The over-the-air message size, in bytes

stateTimeUtc string

The ISO timestamp YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ of the last reported state of the message

mobileWakeupPeriod number

A [something] indicating if the modem is configured for low power sleep

scheduledSendTimeUtc string

An ISO timestamp YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ for the scheduled message delivery to a low power modem


Structure of response to a retrieval of Mobile-Terminated message(s)

Name Type Description
errorId number

An error code for the get_forward_messages operation

messages Array.<ForwardMessageRecord>

An array of records see ForwardMessageRecord


Response structure for a query of Mobile-Terminated message state(s)

Name Type Description
errorId number

An error code returned for the get_forward_statuses operation

more boolean

An indicator if additional statuses are available for retrieval

nextStartTimeUtc string | null

The ISO timestamp YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ for the next retrieval, null if More is false

statuses Array.<ForwardStatus> | null

An array of ForwardStatus if any were retrieved, otherwise null


The JSON structured response to the retrieving Mobile-Originated messages

Name Type Description
errorId number

An API error code (0 means no error)

more boolean

A flag indicating if more messages are available to retrieve

nextStartTimeUtc string

An ISO timestamp YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ for the next high water mark retrieval, empty string if none

nextStartId number

Unique ReturnMessage.ID of the next message available to retrieve from the MGS/Mailbox, -1 if none

messages Array.<ReturnMessage> | null

An array of ReturnMessage objects or null if none meet the filter/range criteria


A set of metadata encapsulating data transported over the satellite network as a message

Name Type Argument Description
isForward boolean <optional>

indicates if the message is Mobile-Terminated (aka To-Mobile aka Forward)

codecServiceId number

Service Identification Number the first byte of payload optionally used for codec

codecMessageId number

Message Identification Number the second byte of payload optionally used for codec

name string

A short name for the message, typically using camelCase notation

fields Array.<Field>

An array of Field types


Structure of response to a MobileID query

Name Type Description
ErrorID number

An error code for the get_mobiles_paged operation

Mobiles Array.<MobileInformation>

A list of MobileInformation objects


Metadata for a queried MobileID

Name Type Description
mobileId string

The unique Mobile ID

description string

A description as provisioned on the MGS

lastRegistrationTimeUtc string

An ISO timestamp format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ of the last Registration message

regionName string

The region/beam on which the last Registration message was received


A set of metadata relating to a Mobile-Originated (aka From-Mobile aka Return) message

Name Type Argument Description
messageId number

A unique number assigned by the MGS upon receipt of the message

receiveTimeUtc string

An ISO timestamp YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ when the message was received at the Satellite Access Station

regionName string

The name of the satellite regional beam the message was received on

size number

The size of the message received over-the-air, in bytes

mailboxTimeUtc string

An ISO timestamp YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ when the message is ready for retrieval in the Mailbox

mobileId string

The unique Mobile ID of the terminal/modem that sent the message

codecServiceId number

Service Identification Number the first byte of payload optionally used for codec

payloadRaw Array.<number> <optional>

An array of bytes as decimal numbers (0..255)
  present if requested in the get_return_messages operation

payloadJson Message <optional>

A JSON data structured Message
  present if the MGS has decoded the raw payload using a Message Definition File on the Mailbox


Structure of response to a Mobile-Terminated message(s) submission

Name Type Description
errorId number

An error code returned by the system (0 = no errors)

submissions Array.<ForwardSubmission>

An array of ForwardSubmission metadata for Mobile-Terminated messages submitted in the operation